The Global Strategy

Each point of light on that map represents a population center.  For globalists, management of globe is simply an engineering problem.  Nation-states, borders, history, culture are all inconveniences to the efficient (and profitable) operation of the planet. 

When global central planners look at that map, they are looking at the requirements to connect the points of light for the purposes of distribution and dissemination - distribution of supplies and dissemination of information. 

The plan is for each point of light to be a global supply and distribution point - a global hub - logical islands of commerce.   If a town isn't big enough to be a point of light, then they aren't big enough to survive.  The plan is for the 'units of production' to be moved out of those areas to the global hubs and for the vacated land to be re-wilded.  If there is any value to the land in terms of resources, then the objective is to transfer those resources to a global producer (corporation).  The global producers are "supplying the world" so all resources must go to them.   There will be recreation areas for the globalists and I say for the globalists because the only people who will be able to vacation will be the relatively few people who are at or near the top of the management systems for the planet.   Everybody else - the majority of the world's population will simply be "workers" - slaves to the global system.   Stadiums for professional sports with gladiators for the entertainment of the workers.

The global producers sell into a global virtual market and the global suppliers purchase from the global virtual market.  The word 'market' is a synonym for monopoly but monopoly isn't used because the word market sounds so much more friendly.  There are already some global virtual markets established - how many is not known but oil is one for sure.

At ground level, the cities are being reorganized as transportation hubs for the global production and supply systems.  Businesses are being organized into supply chains with manufacturing being componetized and distributed  -  in effect, distributing jobs that produce interchangeable components - shipped to assembly facilities and then shipped to the final distribution point for sales.  The distribution of production is also a mechanism for distribution of knowledge.  It's very clever in terms of absolute control of the world of commerce.  It limits knowledge and as a result, it serves as a barrier on the ability of a rival to rise. 

The education systems are being redesigned as vocational education for the most part to provide the workers for the businesses in the global hubs.  A global system of certification was defined to enable interchangeable workers across the globe.  In this system, workers become a commodity to be bought and sold in the global market place.  If Thai welders offer the lowest cost for a construction job, they can be imported to perform the work.  If Chinese carpenters offer the lowest cost for a job, they can be imported to perform the work.  In the global system, there are no people, no borders, no nationalities.  There are just factors of production. 

How do I know all of this from my office in my house in a small town in Idaho from which I rarely leave?  It's because the global engineers are designing from a point of logic with the objective being to maximize efficiency.  Across time, space, personality and discipline - logic persists providing a roadmap for anybody with enough curiosity and tenacity to follow. 

Vicky Davis
August 29, 2014

P.S.  A friend just sent this link to me.   This is good...  create a contest for the best ideas for their own ultimate enslavement.  The global strategists really are brilliant.