Regulatory Racketeering |
Racketeering. n. the federal crime of conspiring to organize
to commit crimes, particularly as a regular business ("organized crime"
or "the Mafia"). Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 (PUHCA) was passed by Congress. It provided regulatory oversight of utilities to prevent them from fleecing investors and ratepayers through a variety of schemes and scams involving subsidiaries, sham transactions, etc. Public Utilities Commissions were established to provide the oversight called for in the legislation. It was in the national public interest that the
Last evening when
I was reading Idaho Public Utilities Commission Orders, I came across
the following in
Order No. 28722, dated May 1, 2001. Idaho Power
requested an increase in rates under its annual Power Cost Adjustment
mechanism. The Company was "seeking to recover $161 million that
represented the amount of off-system power purchases over the preceding
10 months". Farther down in the Order was this section:
The splitting off of a function of Idaho Power's regulated business into a separate subsidiary that is unregulated with both Idaho Power and the new subsidiary being subsidiaries of IDACORP Holding Company is exactly the situation that the Congress was correcting with the PUHCA of 1935. But this time around, they are doing it with the full knowledge and permission of the supposed regulators, Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). With the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Idaho Power was setting up to play the Enron computer trading game of "Screw the Customer". Note that the diagram says "ostensibly to replace income lost due to forced demand reduction". The reason for the qualification is that the profits from the utility don't go down despite demand reduction. The price per kilowatt hour keeps going up as the cost to buy the electricity from the artificial market increases. Electricity Trading Market
The above diagram is one implementation of
"market-based environmentalism" and it's classic both in the sense of
intellectual fraud, and institutionalized fraud in the form of
"public-private partnership" with IPUC and Idaho Power working together
to rob the public. Vicky Davis