
In big IT System projects there is a transition phase that within the industry is called 'Conversion'.  During that phase, some parts of the new system are implemented, but some parts can't be implemented for various reasons.  What the project analysts do for a Conversion is to provide accommodations to serve the interim period until the new system can be made fully operational.  The strategy for accommodations and the duration  depends upon the reason for the delay in implementation of the new facilities.  Those strategies can be thought of as bridges between the old and the new.  Once the new is fully operational, the bridge is taken down.

Another thing about big IT Systems projects is that sometimes business units are completely re-purposed and sometimes they are eliminated entirely.  New business units are defined as needed to meet the requirements for the new system.  Sometimes the redesigned system in no way resembles the old system - but it's not exactly a rebuilding from the ground up.  The project starts with the foundation of the old system but something entirely new and different is built.   Such is the case with Al Gore's reinvention of government project which turns out to be probably the largest IT project in the history of the world.  They started with the foundations of our governing system based on American law and custom.  What they are building is something entirely new and different.   From here on, I'll refer to the project to "reinvent" the American government as the ReGo project because that's the way it's referred to in many of the documents in which the project plans were discussed.

Before a big project starts, some of the documentation that is produced identifies the resources available to the project, the constraints (barriers), the cost/benefit analysis, the high level goals of the project and the key players that will be involved.  After the initial work on the project is complete, the next phases are the requirements, conceptual design (English language description of the new system for communicating with laymen, the detail detail (tech talk) and the implementation phase with bridging strategies, timeframes and training.

Even projects that are not as large as ReGo, can have projects within projects with phased implementations.   Such is the case with the ReGo project - on steroids.  It shouldn't be difficult to envision even for a non-systems person.  All you have to do is to think of the agencies of government; think of the functions of those agencies; and think about the number of people involved both within and outside government who would be affected.  Words like massive, monumental, gargantuan come to mind.  But the point of mentioning this is not focus on the size of the projects but rather to focus on the cacophony of activity that is going on that is all related if you understand the process of systems design and implementation and you understand the goals that were set out when the project was initiated.  For example, the relationship between the One-Stop shop model for the Workforce Development departments of the state governments, the 'No Child Left Behind' legislation and the redesign of K-12 schools.  Note that the Workforce Development departments used to be called unemployment offices.  The new name is an indicator of a new or expanded mission.  Another one is the relationship the government purchase of two car companies, the Smart Grid for energy management and the newly created Office of Livability within the Department of Transportation.   Another one is the movement to allegedly eliminate the IRS and replace income taxes with a sales tax - and the global taxing system.

A good systems analyst can see through the cacophony, can pick out the important pieces of information that become pieces of the puzzle of the system and can put them together to form a vision of the functionality intended by the designer of the system.  It doesn't matter the size of the project - the size just increases the time it takes to put the puzzle together to form the image of the end product of the effort.  I've done that with the ReGo project and it is my professional opinion that the American government has been re-purposed.  If at this point, I were to say that the American government has been re-purposed to serve corporate interests, most people would say, "that's pretty obvious" but the management and control systems of government - and the change of mission of the agencies of government are not at all obvious because if they were, they would be the only issue that any of the alleged patriot groups focus on.  Because the systems designers are driving all of the changes that the patriot groups are fighting and what's obvious to me as a systems analyst/designer is that nobody is understanding big picture of the design.  The American people are being turned into a stable of workers - that will be centrally managed and controlled and they will exist only to serve the interests of the wealthy few with the excess population that is not profitable - being slated for elimination.  

If there are any doubters, all they have to do is to listen to what the Governors are saying at the Health Care summit being broadcast on C-Span right now.  It's not clear to me that they understand the difference between being a government official in the American tradition - and being a corporate manager of a farm in charge of the care and feeding of the animals.  Are they addressing the real problems with the health care system?  No - not at all.  When a person is serious about solving problems, they deal with the real problem and not the symptoms of the problem.  The real problem is the structure of the economy - open borders that are accommodations for the multinational corporations.  You can't keep water in bucket that has holes in it.  The open borders are the holes in the bucket.  Americans can't make any money when all of their money is being sent to China where the goods that they need are produced.  It's a no brainer. 

All of the ReGo systems - health care, education, Real ID, smart borders, Fusion Centers, smart grid, NAIS animal tracking, American Community Survey - all are elements of a fully integrated, corporate management system.  And the same systems are being implemented in COMMUNIST China, the European Union, and Australia.  South America.  They are being implemented in all countries because these systems are a corporate global management system for "workers".  

Al Gore's ReGo project was the rise of The Technocracy.  They will dictate to the world the way they will live - if they will live, for how long and how many resources they will be allocated for their time in hell on earth.  If they are successful with this redesign and the re-purposing of the American government, mankind will be enslaved forever because there will be no escape from The Technocracy.  And the part that is the most horrifying to me is that I'm not sure how many of our government officials really understand what they are doing.  Case in point is John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.  He was one of the speakers at the CPAC Conference yesterday.  I was stunned that he actually talked about "Global Governance" - something you almost never hear from public officials.   But the way he spoke about it was as if the United States dodged the bullet for now.  That told me that even he doesn't understand how the tail is wagging the dog.  Global governance is being implemented at the administrative levels of government and the implementation is proceeding as planned.  

John Bolton's speech at CPAC


Vicky Davis
February 21, 2010