Whores of Babylon

The Mercers’ Livery Company of London is the oldest livery company with history dating back to the 12th century.  The trade of mercery comes from “the Latin term “merx” which means merchandise”.   Christian Soldiers.

“The Company is also patron of a number of benefices in the Church of England (i.e. it has the right to appoint the vicar or rector of a parish) and maintains close links with its affiliated units in the United Kingdom’s Armed Services.       

 “The Company and its associated charitable trusts, makes substantial grants to support education, general welfare, church and faith and arts and heritage.  A network of alms houses and other homes for the elderly are also managed by the charitable trusts associated with the Company.  The Company is closely involved with the running of 17 schools across the country and supports them primarily through the appointment of governors.


On a hunch, I searched on Queen and Church of England.  Sure enough, the Queen hold the title of ‘Defender of the Faith’ and Supreme Governor of the Church of England.


Worshipful Company of Mercers

This stained glass window is a depiction of the Mercers’ Maiden.  Recall that the Mercers are the oldest and most powerful of the livery companies.   What is the oldest profession?

The Maiden is the herald of the Mercers

Badge of the Mercers

Whore of Babylon

Mercers' Chappel

and the Illumanati Owl

Below, the picture on the left is the image of the Church of England found on the Queen’s website (that’s a hoot isn’t it?).  When I saw the two towers I just knew that the owl image would be found on a picture of the front of the church.  Sure enough...  the picture on the right is the full view of the church.  How did I know I would find it?   Because they speak largely through symbols and symbolism.







Significance of the owl?   Moloch



Every year, the livery company Masters, Mistresses and Consorts parade on a route that passes by the home office of all the livery companies.   It’s called the Ironbridge weekend.

The Iron Bridge

Because I like to draw pictures for myself when I’m analyzing organizations, I came up with the following graphics:


[Note:  Apparently I got it wrong on the number of apostles.  Shows you how much I know about religion :)   but regardless, the engineering of the pyramid is the same and that was the real point.]   When the pyramid is complete, the anti-christ will rule - and religious knowledge isn't needed for that bit of analysis either.]

The problem is that the diagram doesn’t work numerically for the capstone to fit.  When they wrote the bible (King James) in the 1600’s the twelve livery companies dominated the world.  Twelve apostles – and the 13th Judas.  Perfect symbolism for a commercial war machine with the head of it – the 13th and controlling entity being the opposite of what is presented to the public.

Here is the structure that works – but you can see that the numerology no longer fits – so they will have to have a reformation.



And it had me ROLTF when I saw that it was in progress:

The Thirteenth Apostle: What the Gospel of Judas Really Says


Women are the weak link and the powerful connection.  They will sell their souls for status.




Eyes Wide OO pen