Legislative Alert


The Truth Behind the Student Information System

Idaho Eagle Forum opposes the "Student Information Management System", H752. This database system will collect personal information on the children AND their families. This is not about improving education as they have led many to believe. This is about collecting data for the seamless web for ALL !!!
Notice Idaho Department of Education website?
***SEE ATTACHMENT: "Health Conditions", ( printed out 6 pages ) and "Student Personal Information", ( printed out 10 pages )

Added to Alert for Web [ Idaho SIMS Data Dictionary - Data Elements for SIMS]

The Idaho State Board of Education will be gathering data such as "Total Number of Pre-Natal Visits, Blood Pressure, Gingival ( Gum ) Condition, Social Security Number, Household Income- Payments from Pensions, Retirement, Social Security, Welfare Payments, Child Support, Alimony, and everything else..., if H752 passes the Senate.
H752 has already passed in the HOUSE.
       **** Tell the Senators to Vote NO on H752 ****
NOTE: To find where the data file information is on the Idaho Department of Education website, you need to Link to  "Idaho's State Data Dictionary". next find 1) Health and Welfare, 2) elements, 3)"Health Conditions" and 4)"Student Personal Information", and much more...


The U.S. Department of Education wants this system set up. It will make it easier for them to collect data on us. They have been collecting this kind of data since the 70's.
They have the "Student Data Handbook", it has the same data in it and was updated 2001.
 AGAIN, Tell the Senators to vote NO on H752 !!!
Idaho Eagle Forum

March 13, 2006