Moonie Pelosi:  Inventory Everything

When Moonie Pelosi was in Beijing recently to deliver global climate change propaganda to the Chinese, in response to the question “how are you going to get Americans to cut back on their carbon emissions?”, she replied educate the children, build environmentally friendly homes and:    

“Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory…
of how we are taking responsibility”.

That response might seem to be a non sequitur to global climate change but it isn’t.  It’s integral.  The “climate” in global climate change is the political climate.  It has nothing to do with the weather.  It has to do with global computer systems to monitor, measure, restrict, control and redistribute the assets and resources of the planet.  In order for that to happen, all assets and resources must be inventoried and entered into the computer systems so that they can be controlled.

At the 1990 Summit of the G7/8 in Houston, the decision was made to internationalize our financial systems.  By 1995, at the Summit in Halifax, the decision was made to establish the ‘Global Information Society’ which is a euphemism for global governance – managed by global computer systems.  This decision was backed up by the decision to design and develop eleven pilot global information systems.  The following systems six systems are the most easily recognizable systems being implemented in our country that are components of the global systems for the ‘Global Information Society’. 

Global Interoperability of Broadband Networks (GIBN)

This project has accelerated the development of globally interconnected and interoperable broadband information infrastructure, essential to the global information society of the 21st century.

Multimedia Access to World Cultural Heritage

The project has coordinated the combined experience gained by each country in the field of methodological and technological standards thus enhancing the international Multilanguage heritage with specific projects such as the Multilingual Thesaurus of Religious Objects of the Roman Catholic Church.

Environment and Natural Resources Management (ENRM)

The project created the necessary tools for establishing a “virtual library” of environmental and natural resources management using international standards for networked information, discovery and retrieval. It reached an international consensus on a Global Environmental Information Locator Service for climate change, biological diversity and other resources.

Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative (GEMINI)

GEMINI covered through demonstration projects and conferences the areas of networks, communication, support functions and specific hazards with the aim of taking advantage of information society tools to help in emergency management on a global scale. The project has been instrumental in laying the ground for a follow-up initiative to develop a Global Disaster Information Network.

Government On-Line (GOL)

The project focused on ways of providing on-line services to citizens. Collaboration in 32 key subject areas has resulted in shared approaches, identified best practices, and given added impetus on the development of new policies and actions around the world.

Global Healthcare Applications (GHAP)

Subprojects demonstrated how medical databases, images, health cards and computer based training material can be used internationally, and how remote second opinions in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and heart diseases can be achieved. The project contributed to the setting of global standards.


Inventory Systems


At the heart of every computer system, there is an “inventory” of entities that the system will act upon.  For example, the DMV maintains an inventory of licensed drivers including the status of their license.  The library maintains an inventory of their books and materials and an inventory of library patrons.  The schools maintain an inventory of students and teachers. 

In order for the computer to manage those entities that are included in the inventory, each entity must be assigned a unique identifier. 

Consider the Real ID – the new information includes country code and biometric identifiers that will provide a unique ID.  When you understand how critical it is to have absolute positive ID for the entity you are attempting to manage with the computer system, then you can understand the push behind the electronic tattoo on everybody’s arm – in the form of an RFID chip.   

Consider the NAIS Animal Tracking System.  The chipping of the animals is for the inventory unique ID. 

Now consider the project of the U.S. Census Bureau to record the GPS coordinates of your front door.  The reason they are doing that is because it is a globally unique identifier for that location – for the global inventory of entities included in the  Environment and Natural Resources Management (ENRM)… and for the Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative (GEMINI)  and for any other global information system they design and implement. 

What proof is there that Census Bureau is working for the global one world totalitarian system?  First - because "our" government agreed to participate in the global information systems at the G7/8 Summit in Halifax  - and second - because the United Nations - UNSTATS Census project described in this ALERT - sent out on May 4, 2009 is exactly like U.S. Census Bureau project. 

Integration of GPS, Digital Imagery and GIS with Census Mapping


Related:  Government is a Racket
             Big Brother at Your Front door 
             Big Brother Snoop - At it Again  (Agricultural Survey)
             Letter to Congress regarding the Agricultural Survey

             And just about everything else on my website that is systems related - which is
             just about everything. 


Vicky Davis
June 1, 2009