Rumsfeld and Orwell


Recently Donald Rumsfeld gave a speech at the National Press Club.  It was so Orwellian it made my head spin.  He talked about the nature of our enemy.  Everything he said about the enemy could be said about our government - past and present.  He said this was a different kind of war.  It was asymmetric or irregular warfare and the battlespace is mostly in this country.  He said the enemy has committees and media relations people who work everyday to manipulate the media to support the agenda.  He said their plans are no secret - they are on the Internet - which is true, but the plans I find on the internet for global domination are found on the UN website and the U.S. Government websites.  I find it at the State of the World, the WTO, World Economic Forum and the FTAA websites.  I find it in the trade agreements and in the positions of the Congress who should be representing the interests of Americans but in fact, they support the globalist agenda of taking our nation apart.

 (Rumsfeld's speech can be found at the C-Span website under 'Recent Videos').

The bizarre thing about his speech was that the plan he attributes to Osama Bin Laden for creating an Islamic empire to govern the world, is the same plan that the United States supports via the United Nations.  It is a plan for global governance.   In order to reach a point of global governance, nation-states must be dissolved and the power centers have to become regions - like the North American continent via FTAA and like the European Union.  The WTO and so-called ‘free trade’ which is actually centrally managed trade is the means by which the economies of nation-states are being destroyed and the meaning and value of citizenship are being devalued.   Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with that.  Reagan, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, The Chimp and minions like Robert Zoellick have done that. 


Obviously, the Middle East would be one of the regions in a system of global governance.  In something I read a while back, it said that Saddam Hussein had a plan to control the entire region.  Saddam Hussein was a CIA asset who was put into power by the U.S. government.  I suspect they promised him the top position of the Middle East region after the fall of the Shah of Iran but something went haywire so they had to take him out leaving a power vacuum in the Middle East.    My guess would be that Saddam had not been able to change the culture fast enough to suit the globalists. 


On September 8, 2000, Bill Clinton signed the Millennium Declaration for global governance.  Mikhail Gorbachev was invited to this country to to establish a Foundation - State of the World Forum - at the Presideo


"The core mission of the State of the World Forum is to establish an enabling environment and to serve as a Secretariat for the gathering of leaders and citizens from around the world and a spectrum of diciplines to search together for those new frameworks of values required for this new phase of human development; and within this context to take concerted action -- strategic initiatives -- to help give shape to the world we envision".

"Many of earlier civilizations which have largely appeared over the 6,000 years of our recorded history have largely been created by groups of so-called "creative minorities" or "sapiential circles" -- independent individuals who came together to articulate and take up challenges being ignored by declining and out-dated concepts, organizations and governments."

I believe it was Gorbachev and Maurice Strong who wrote the Earth Charter which has been adopted by the United Nations.  It is a radical environmental treatise that calls for a complete restructuring of world view and how people live on the earth.  Al Gore wrote a book which follows the themes of the Earth Charter - called “Earth in the Balance”.   This radical environmental agenda is being implemented in this country under environmental names like ‘Smart Growth’ and sustainable development.  It is being used to radically change how people live on the earth - and the U.S. Government supports it.  It is being used to relieve people of their property rights and natural resources on their property.   And… btw, Mohammed Atta was an urban planner and he was not a religious man.  That doesn’t fit with the Osama scenario - but it does fit with the Gore-Gorbachev-Strong game plan. 


The way that the ‘terrorists’ are being funded funded is through front groups - like the ones that Jack Abramoff, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed were and are heading up.  Corporations and Foundations establish a ‘special interest’ front groups to lobby Congress and to propagandize for their agenda.  Other front groups include Ducks Unlimited, Nature Conservancy, MALDEF, La Raza.  All of these groups lobby for their ‘special interest’ but all are geared towards breaking down our nation-state in furtherance of the goals of the funders - globalization.   Grover Norquist is a Muslim and his goal is “make our government so small it can be drowned in a bathtub”.  That was Reagan, Bush Sr. and Clinton’s goal too - to ‘reinvent government’ by eliminating government employees and replacing them with ‘public-private partnerships’ - effectively corporate government.  


Rumsfeld mentioned Lenin and Hitler in his speech.  He said nobody paid attention to what they wrote and the world paid for it.  Hitler was ‘legally elected’ and he consolidated power.  How is that different from the PNAC agenda and Bush’s consolidation of power?  It isn’t.  Rumsfeld defined the way the funding works for the ‘terrorists’.  They are the front groups 501-C3’s and 4’s.  Has the Congress done anything about that?   No.   Have they tried to stop the FTAA and the dissolution of our nation?   No.   Have they announced that they want out of the WTO?   No.    In fact, everything this administration has done has been to support the UN agenda for the dissolution of our nation.


Rumsfeld said:


“The only way the terrrorists can win this struggle is if we lose our will and surrender the fight or think it is not important enough or in confusion or in disagreement among ourselves, give them the time to regroup and reestablish themselves in Iraq or elsewhere.  A decade ago we celebrated the collapse of the Soviet Empire and the end of the cold war.  But that war, what President Kennedy called “a long twilight struggle” lasted some 45 years before we saw a hope of victory.  In the early decades the way was uncertain. Allies bickered over tactics.  They bickered over strategies.  They even bickered over the seriousness of the threats.  There were motions in Congress to pull our forces out of Europe and concede.  Euro-communism became fashionable (Third Way). It’s not really communism, it’s Euro-communism so it’s ok.  Then as now we found ourselves building new organizations to help in our new circumstances.  And today in many ways, we find ourselves echoing the words once spoken by Dwight Eisenhower in the early decades of the cold war.   He said, “We face a hostile ideology - global in scope, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method.  To meet it successfully we must carry forward steadily, surely and without complaint, the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle with liberty the stake.”


It is true that we face a hostile ideology, global in scope, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method.  And Donald Rumsfeld’s Orwellian description of the conflict and the enemy are case in point.